Monday 21 September 2009

Fail to plan...Plan to fail...

The English are quite good at planning things. Especially planning to mitigate losses. What baffles me is the fact that most of them are not scared of things going wrong. Actually, they're scared of things going right and not knowing what to do!

Our in house marketing guru, who mind you is a mild mannered guy is one of them. We planned a campaign together to launch a brilliant product that would bring us immediate revenue as well as much needed standing in the profession. Having done all the hard work of planning the build up and launch campaign, this guy just lets things linger on.

In the meantime, a rival organisation throws a spanner at the works by taking legal action against us for being anti competitive. Now, when I heard this, my first reaction was absolute rage. I thought about the whole family tree of that organisations' CEO. All of them would've sneezed that day. I won't delve much into this organisation and what it did as I might start using foul language on this lovely blog! :)

Now my friend, the marketing guru on the other hand called for an immediate meeting to inform everyone about his plan to fire fight, which mind you was not too bad and then he ran around the building like a headless chicken telling people what to say and what not to say.

A few pain staking months pass by and we now hear that we could finally launch our product! I for once was ecstatic. I was expecting another headless chicken moment from the guru any minute. How ever, what I came across was a dejected man who was so afraid that he reminded me of a little boy who's just about to sit for his first exam.

Now this man was insane. We plan our entire summer for this great moment and all he could come up with were reasons to delay the launch. We have a great platform to launch this product and this man is afraid that we would receive a million phone calls from interested parties. Come on now! I would rather have this problem as opposed to not having anyone interested in our product. When I told him this, he did what any bloke with a bullish mentality would do. The guy pounced on me and and tried his luck at being loud at me.

Big mistake! I'm not sure what I told him exactly at that moment but judging by his reactions, I think he was about to cry and run towards his mummy!

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